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Når Noget Stikker

Rønnebæksholm, 2022


When something sticks out, our attention is sharpened. We notice things in a new way, questions arise and new connections become visible. In late summer 2022, Vibeke Mencke Nielsen, Anne Marie Ploug and Carina Zunino exhibited together in a cross-generational and dialogue-based exhibition at Rønnebæksholm.


Through graphic works, photography, video art and plaster reliefs, the artists' various practices were brought together so that their wide range of expressions and moods connected to each other in different, both obvious and more subtle ways through the seven exhibition rooms at Rønnebæksholm.


The artists' relationships across practices and generations go back to their first meeting at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. It is 30 years since the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen got its first female professor, with Vibeke Mencke Nielsen at Graphic Art at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. New workshops were established for new and old graphic techniques. Here, Anne Marie Ploug and Carina Zunino became part of the school's students and from here sprang their ongoing art conversations between the three artists.

Photo by Malle Madsen

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